Digital branding has derived from a new way of promoting products with thanks to computers and the internet.
The idea of digital branding is to increase brand awareness of a product, service or company through the use of various different media platforms through: television, radio, mobile phones, banners, etc. Contact us here.
Maintaining a Brand
The importance of maintaining a brand are that key companies who are viewed as being market leaders, and if anyone wants to compete they need to have similar brand awareness.
Car manufacturers are renowned for their digital branding and their ability to promote new car IT support London ranges through all available media sources.
Other Choices To Advertise Your Business
Using OOH advertising as a form of meeting consumers on a regular basis has been proven to work, with advertisements reaching 70% of local people within that urban area.
Advertising on buses is an affordable choice of advertisements, especially in the highly populated city of Manchester. Find out more here. OOH advertising is becoming much more popular and is hoping to have a 40% increase in 2017.
Marketing Campaign by BMW
A recent marketing campaign for BMW Mini involved short “mini-films” to be broadcast on television.
These were fun, creative and innovative branding. This was then followed up with a strong online presence that offered consumers the chance to submit their own “mini-film” ideas and an opportunity to win competitions and get the advert created.
With both the advert and the online material, BMW were able to convey to their audience that a Mini was a fun and enjoyable car.
Digital brands need to join forces to slow ‘Google-isation’ | In-Depth Analysis
Online success is critical to the future of all businesses; websites are no longer solely used for advertising, they must be used to a build brand, win customers and develop a retention program that enables a successful business strategy to flourish.
The internet is the fastest growing marketing communication tool in history. Control has shifted in favour of the consumer and geographic marketing boundaries have increased.